DPA (Designated Person Ashore) – Training Course ONLINE
The IMO's International Safety Management (ISM) Code, states that Designated Person Ashore (DPA) exists “to ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the Company and those on board, every Company, as appropriate, should designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management. This course is designed to be only in line with IMO MSC-MEPC.7/Circ.6 and provide ISM Code understanding with other related management / reporting topics for DPA role.
- The course will cover the following topics:
- ISM interpretation
- DPA roles and responsibilities
- Onshore / onboard team roles and responsibilities
- KPI & performance management
- Company safety management system
- Pre-task planning and checklists
- Associated hazards on board the ship/vessel
- Audit requirements
- Risk assessment & management
- ISM reporting, corrective actions
- Cyber risk management
- Emergency and contingency procedure
- Management of change
Candidates will gain valuable knowledge how to rightly perform as per ISM Code that relates to Designated Person Ashore role and responsibilities. Know DPA importance for company’s communication, monitoring and inspection. How to manage operational risks and any audit requirements with reporting and corrective actions. When management of change shall be used and how. Retain trust and safety on board.
2 days
English and Croatian
Items to Bring
National Photographic Identification or Passport, Photo
Trogir, Croatia
Hotel booking assisted for participants living far from Trogir.
Distance learning option
Yes (e-learning / online)
All participants have to complete a questionnaire in order to obtain the certificate.
Certification - Diploma
All persons who successfully complete the course based on the performance standards will receive certificate with unlimited validity in line with International Industries guidelines. This Training follows international standards of quality and meets the ISO 9001-2015 requirements.